We had a wonderful turn out last week for BCA’s National Volunteer Week Celebration with thirty members, volunteers, board and staff in attendance. Together we acknowledged and offered our appreciation for the contributions and hard work of our many dedicated volunteers, both past and present, including branch and peer group leaders, board, National Policy Council, and various committee, steering and working group members. We also paid tribute to specific individuals who have gone above and beyond to support the work of BCA through their involvement in projects, branch activities, supporting our staff, and contributing to the success of our online conference ‘BCA Connect’ in 2022.
A highlight of the event was the recitation of a poem written by Deb Deshayes, General Manager Projects Engagement, that so beautifully summed up the extraordinary work of each and every volunteer. We couldn’t do what we do without all of you!
An Ode to Our Volunteers on National Volunteer Week 2023
Dedicated hearts like yours are not so easy to find.
It takes a special person to be so generous of their time.
To care for your fellow member is a quality endearing and so kind.
Branch-ing across the Nation, connected by-your special interests.
All-Aspirations to the Women’s branch, be it puzzles, pies, or Word-Find- Wednesday.
Peer Groups and Trivia share tips and host tricks – especially when bearing with Zoom.
Mid-week strings are-a strumming and vocal notes a-scaling.
Weekly radio waves never fail across New Horizons.
Across the Cities there’s all our BCA Committees: ESC, FARM, FFS, and NPC,
And governed by a President and eight-wise-Directors.
It’s our privilege to work with you,
Not just today – but the whole year through!
Thank you for volunteering at BCA.
By Deb Deshayes