The ACT branch brings together Blind Citizens Australia members from Canberra and surrounds. The branch was first established in 1983 but has taken on different forms over the years. The branch is currently guided by the NSW/ACT State Division.

The best way to find out what’s happening within the branch is to join. Use the contact information below to get in touch with the committee, or contact BCA. You can also find out about ACT events by phoning 1800 033 660 and following the prompts to listen to the ACT update.

Ever wanted to know what is available to you as a person who is blind or vision impaired where you live? Our state based toolkits outline information around financial support, transport entitlements, home and living, aids and equipment, health and wellbeing, leisure, as well as advocacy and legal support.

You can access the ACT Toolkit on this page.

State Division Contact Information

Chair: Stephen Belbin
Mobile: 0409 000 100

More information about the NSW/ACT State Division