Since 2020, Blind Citizens’ Members within Queensland have been served by a single, State-wide Branch, replacing the former Brisbane and Toowoomba Branches. During 2023, the then-serving Branch Committee launched several regional email lists, aimed at promoting the sharing of local information and the discussion of issues relevant to members, living in those regions. These were added to the general ‘announcements’ sent out state-wide by the Branch Committee from time to time.
Currently, there are groups based in:
- Brisbane
- Toowoomba
In the future, the branch committee plans to have groups in:
- The Wide Bay
- Mackay
- Cairns
Note: Members added to the Queensland list either by transfer from other States or just having joined BCA are automatically assigned to their geographical local sub-group. They can choose to opt out at any time. They also receive Branch Committee Announcements which are sent out state-wide. And, of course, members also continue receiving national membership updates as well.
Ever wanted to know what is available to you as a person who is blind or vision impaired where you live?
Our state-based toolkits outline information around financial support, transport entitlements, home and living, aids and equipment, health and wellbeing, leisure, as well as advocacy and legal support.
You can access the Queensland Toolkit on this page.
Communication with Non-Email Users
The membership within Queensland contains a significant number of those who do not use email to obtain their information. In 2024, the Branch Committee began producing quarterly, audio-recorded messages which any member can access through the BCA National Office’s phone system by dialling 1800 033 660, then selecting Option 1 “current activities” and Option 3 “State-based information” and Option 4 “Queensland. The caller will hear a clearly-spoken message, lasting between 5 and 10 minutes and those so far produced appear below on this page.
Phone recordings
The Queensland branch keeps members informed about key developments, upcoming events, and other essential updates through BCA’s phone system. You can also listen to the recordings below.
The BCA Queensland Committee Launches Dropbox Folder
The BCA Queensland Committee has listened to members’ requests and launched a new Dropbox folder that contains meeting minutes since the branch became a Queensland-wide branch, previous audio phone messages, and other branch documentation that members will find useful to access. This Dropbox folder will be updated from time to time throughout the BCA Queensland Committee’s tender.
Activate the link below and navigate to a button that is called the Folder Settings button menu Collapsed. Press space or enter to expand the dropdown menu. Move down the list to the download option with the arrow keys, press enter and a zip folder will be downloaded to your browser download default location on the device you are using. Use any unzip folder software to extract the files and folders contained within the folder.
Access the Queensland Branch Dropbox folder
The BCA Queensland Committee welcomes any feedback from our members on this new initiative.
Advocacy And Peer Support
Blind Citizens Australia’s two great strengths are its advocacy for and peer-support of individual members. In Queensland, an important part in both functions is played by the various low-vision and blindness support groups that meet to offer such support to participants and their families. The following is perhaps not a complete list and in listing these groups BCA notes these are not BCA affiliate organisations.
Southside Blind and Low Vision support group
The Southside Blind and Low Vision support group provides information, support, advice, friendship and a social outlet for the low-vision community and their families, friends and carers.
Library Meeting Room, Garden City Shopping Centre, CNR Logan Road and Kessels Road, Upper Mount Gravatt, Queensland, 4122
Second Tuesday of each month
+617 3345 7421 or +61402 034 749
Vision Impaired Support Group – Brisbane City
Group Description
To provide services and support for blind and vision-impaired people in Queensland.
Contact hours
3rd Friday of each month, 9:30am to 12:00pm
Where we meet
Catholic Centre, Lower Ground Floor, 143 Edward Street
Regular meetings
More Info
To maximise the potential of a vision-impaired person’s physical, social and emotional environment so that each person may live comfortably within the general community.
Group Focus
Social support for people with blindness, low vision
Area serviced
Brisbane North
Meeting Place
McDonald’s Function Room, Margaret Street, North Toowoomba
Contact Joyce Jones
+617 4632 6019
Cairns Low-Vision Support Group
Meets at The Brothers Club. The second Thursday of the month. 10:30AM to 12:00PM.
Contact Pam at
+61424 896 601
Contact Information
Adrian Watson, President
Phone: 0481 587 612