This is a dedicated page that provides the latest information regarding the NDIS/NDIA, ensuring that you stay updated on Blind Citizens Australia’s ongoing engagement with the Scheme.

The page is regularly updated with the most recent developments, with information organised from newest to oldest. This structure allows you to easily track our interactions, advocacy efforts, and any changes or updates related to the NDIS and NDIA. By visiting this page, you can stay informed about how BCA is working to improve services and support for individuals with vision impairments.

NDIS Sector Update – 12/03/2025

The government has introduced new rules under the NDIS Act aimed at improving plan management and changes, providing greater clarity and consistency. These updates include provisions for managing risks when funds may not be used as planned and allowing quicker plan variations when support needs change.

Expressions of interest are now open for the NDIS Reform Advisory Committee, which will provide advice to the government on upcoming reforms. Applications close on 24 March 2025.

The Housing Hub has released new resources for participants living in shared supported settings, along with webinars in March and April to guide users through these resources.

In response to Cyclone Alfred’s impact in Queensland and northern NSW, the NDIS is offering emergency support, including assistance with urgent repairs and technology replacements. The National Contact Centre is open this weekend to support affected participants. We encourage you to visit the NDIS website for the latest information, including temporary office closures.

Access the full sector update

NDIS Quarterly Report – 21/02/2025

The latest NDIS Quarterly Report, covering the period from 1 October to 31 December 2024, showcases results from ongoing NDIS reforms aimed at enhancing support for participants and ensuring the Scheme’s sustainability. As of December 2024, nearly 693,000 Australians are receiving disability-related supports, with 19,938 new participants joining the NDIS during this quarter.

The report highlights significant participant outcomes, including increased community engagement, higher employment rates for younger participants, and greater paid employment among families and carers. The implementation of new laws following the passage of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Amendment Bill in August 2024 has been a key development. These laws, which took effect in October 2024, prioritise participants and aim to stabilise Scheme costs.

Access the Quarterly Report.

Additionally, the NDIS has introduced clearer rules on what constitutes ‘NDIS support’, simplifying funding usage for participants and providers. These changes are backed by extensive consultation with over 600 participants and 90 external stakeholders. Peer support grants totaling nearly $40 million have been awarded to 69 organisations, enhancing self-advocacy and peer support programs. The NDIS is also improving access to information, with support lists now available in 17 languages and Auslan to assist diverse communities. These lists apply to all participants and are available on the NDIS website.

To support people with disability in accessing the NDIS, webinars on the application process are being held, and security measures are being strengthened with changes to provider identity verification systems. The Provider eNewsletter, offering updates and resources for the sector, is also available to keep stakeholders informed.

Dates & Times:

Tuesday, 25th February (12:00pm – 1:00pm AEDT) 

Thursday, 27th February (7:00pm – 8:00pm AEDT) 

Tuesday, 4th March (7:00pm – 8:00pm AEDT) 

For any enquiries regarding this session, please contact and include the session name in the subject line.

NDIA Quarterly Report – 17/02/2025

The latest NDIA quarterly report, covering the period ending 31 December 2024, highlights positive outcomes from ongoing NDIS reforms aimed at improving support for participants and ensuring the Scheme’s long-term sustainability. These reforms are part of the broader efforts following the passage of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Amendment (Getting the NDIS Back on Track No. 1) Bill in August 2024, which introduced changes that took effect in October 2024. These changes focus on prioritising participants and enhancing the Scheme’s financial stability.

The report also outlines the introduction of new rules to clarify what constitutes ‘NDIS support’ and how funding can be used. These updates, along with revised operational guidelines and the ‘Would we fund it’ guides, are designed to ensure consistent implementation based on current NDIA practices.

The NDIA continues its commitment to collaborating with the disability sector to maintain a fair, accessible, and sustainable NDIS for all Australians with disabilities. You can download the quarterly report from the NDIS website.

NDIS Update – 7/02/2025

The NDIS website has updated its FAQs section, with new information on support needs assessments and eligibility reassessments. These updates are highlighted at the top of the page under the “NEW” heading.

The NDIS has also updated the following guidelines:

Additionally, guidelines have been updated for Supported Independent Living (SIL) and Support Coordination grant opportunities. The NDIA will run pilots in 2025 to assess the quality and costs of services provided by SIL and support coordination providers. These pilots will help shape future market approaches and pricing. A small number of providers will be selected for grants to develop data on quality service provision, with a later pilot focusing on smaller providers that support regional, remote, and First Nations communities. To learn more about the grants visit: Quality supports program | NDIS. 

The Independent Advisory Council (IAC) has released its 2023-24 Annual Report, which highlights the advice and achievements of the council, and its work to ensure the voices of people with disability are central to the NDIS. The report is available in various formats, including Easy Read and Auslan video.

The Annual Report is available in multiple versions and formats:

Lastly, the NDIA is progressing with the development of a new website, which is expected to launch later in 2025. The design process has involved extensive consultation with over 300 participants, including those from diverse backgrounds and disabilities. The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, with the new content being clearer and more user-friendly. The NDIS will continue to refine the website based on participant input.

NDIS Sector Update – 21/01/2025

The Australian Government, in collaboration with states and territories, is working on two new NDIS rules related to the management of funding and the processes for variations and reassessments. As part of the ongoing NDIS reforms, we are committed to keeping you and the broader disability community informed of the progress.

This pack includes content that you can easily share, along with simplified versions of each rule in plain English and easy-to-read formats.

What’s Included:

NDIS Sector Update – 28/01/2025

New Minister

The government has announced the appointment of a new Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), the Honourable Amanda Rishworth MP. The Honourable Dr Anne Aly MP will be working alongside Rishworth as the Minister Assisting the Minister for the NDIS.

Access media statements released by the office
Access the statement on additional responsibilities

Updated FAQ

The NDIS is also continuing to update the FAQ about legislation on its website, which includes new information about dysphagia supports, meal preparation or delivery services, unavailable support workers, clarification on groceries, fast food or dietary supplements and more.

NDIS Rules

There is also updated information about consultation on the new NDIS rules. In 2024, the NDIS undertook 10 targeted consultation sessions with 90+ external stakeholders to inform the new rules and their implementation. This feedback is related to plan management decisions, plan variations and plan reassessments.

The NDIS is also continuing to update operational guidelines and other resources to reflect the new definition of NDIS supports introduced on Thursday, 3rd October.


The NDIS has published several new resources to help self-managers learn more about self-management.

There are now new checklists and short ‘how-to’ videos with tips from self-managers, and a new NDIS Guide to Self-management is available in on-screen format. The NDIS has also made minor updates to the Directly engaging with your own staff guide (external), which can be helpful for self-managers and registered plan managers.

The NDIS Guide to Self-management has also been updated as part of legislation changes. It emphasises that participants can only spend their funding:

  • in line with their plan, including in line with any funding periods or funding component amounts.

Data update

As part of its commitment to the Participant Service Charter, the NDIA regularly releases data bout the NDIS.

The NIS has recently updated its public data, now current as at 30 September 2024.

You can find updated data at:

NDIS Sector Update – 6/1/2024

The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) has made several key announcements recently, including funding increases and policy updates. The government has allocated $280 million to develop support needs assessments and train a dedicated workforce, and $4.527 million to create a new early childhood pathway focusing on early intervention for children with disabilities. More information is available on the NDIS website.

Starting in January 2025, new participants will receive impairment notices, clarifying how they meet disability or early intervention requirements. The NDIS has published updates to its operational guidance on Applying to the NDIS and Reviewing Our Decisions to reflect the introduction of impairment notices. More information about how and the NDIS will notify participants about impairment categories is available on the ‘new’ section at the top of its Frequently Asked Questions about Legislation page. This change will not affect existing participants until late 2025.

The NDIA has also introduced a new rule on plan management to ensure participants use their funding in accordance with their plans. Further details are available on the Department of Social Services website.

Additionally, the NDIA has paused eligibility reassessments temporarily and updated its FAQs on short-term accommodation.

NDIS Update – 16/12/2024: Independent Review of Art & Music Therapy, New Impairment Notices, and $40 Million in Peer Support Grants

The NDIA has announced an Independent Review of NDIS pricing for art and music therapy, which will assess three key areas:

  1. The effectiveness of art and music therapy for people with disability
  2. The qualifications and registration of music and art practitioners
  3. The pricing of these supports.

Dr. Stephen Duckett AM, a highly experienced health economist, will lead the review. The findings are expected in March 2025, and until then, current arrangements will remain unchanged. Providers can continue to charge up to $193.99 per hour for evidence-based therapy. No changes will be made to the status of art and music therapy as therapeutic supports or their pricing until the review is complete. The release of operational guidance, including updates to the therapy supports and price guides, has been deferred until 2025. For more information on the review and its terms of reference, please visit the NDIS website.

In addition, starting in January 2025, the NDIS will introduce a Notice of Impairments for new participants, which will provide clarity on the impairment categories that qualify them for access to the scheme. This Notice will be separate from the access decision letter, and while it will not alter the eligibility criteria for NDIS access, it will help improve transparency and fairness in the planning and budgeting process. This change responds to the NDIS Review and requests from participants for clearer documentation regarding their eligibility. Existing participants are not impacted immediately but will be informed as the new approach is rolled out in late 2025. Next week, the NDIA will publish updated operational guidelines to support new participants with this change, along with updates to the Frequently Asked Questions on the NDIS website.

Furthermore, the NDIA has awarded almost $40 million in grants to support community-based peer and capacity-building programs, benefiting 69 successful applicants over the next two years. These programs range from local to national and online initiatives, and the funding will support a variety of innovative programs.

NDIS Update – 03/12/2024: The NDIS Answers BCA’s Questions

Blind Citizens Australia recently received clarification from the NDIS/NDIA on several key matters. The documents below provide official updates regarding recent changes to NDIS policies and supports.

These clarifications include information on a new system designed to better inform National Contact Centre staff, guidelines for replacement supports, and clearer criteria for funding items like tandem bikes, household maintenance, and assistance dogs. It also distinguishes between services eligible for funding, such as personal hygiene care (nail care, hair washing), and those that are not (beauty treatments, pet insurance).

Additional clarifications include the funding of meal delivery, daily consumables, assistive technology, and transport services for participants with vision impairments. The NDIS continues to fund supports directly related to a participant’s disability and designed to enhance their quality of life, with strict guidelines in place to ensure claims meet necessary criteria.

Participants no longer need a specific diagnosis, like “vision impairment,” to access vision supports, as long as they meet disability or early intervention criteria. The NDIS will fund vision supports based on impairments, even if the plan does not explicitly mention vision loss.

The NDIS will issue impairment notices starting January 2025 for new participants and later for existing ones, categorising impairments into six areas. Multiple impairments can impact eligibility, and combined impairments may meet disability requirements even if neither condition alone qualifies.

Other clarifications include processes for replacement supports, eligibility for assistive technology, transport, and household maintenance, as well as guidelines for meal delivery and assistance animals. These updates aim to provide more flexibility and ensure funding meets participants’ needs.

Blind Citizens Australia – Responses from NDIS/NDIA (Word doc)

Blind Citizens Australia – Responses from NDIS/NDIA (PDF)

Responses to The Orthoptic role in NDIS and the impact of changes to NDIS (Word doc)

Responses to The Orthoptic role in NDIS and the impact of changes to NDIS (PDF)

NDIA/NDIS Update – 26/11/2024: NDIS-funded music and art therapy

The NDIS ensures participants receive evidence-based disability support, and recent changes to legislation clarify the types of support that can be funded. As part of these changes, a new Operational Guideline on therapy supports will be released on Monday, 2nd December, outlining how participants can access music and art therapy.

From February 2025, these therapies will be available either at a one-on-one rate of $67.56 per hour or a group rate of $193.99 per hour, depending on the provider and setting, providing more community participation opportunities for participants.

While music and art therapy will remain available, they will not be classified as “therapies” under NDIS definitions due to evolving evidence on their effectiveness in supporting functional capacity. These therapies will continue to be assessed by the NDIS Evidence Advisory Committee, which was established to help ensure better outcomes for participants.

To learn more about these updates and how they may affect your support, visit the NDIS website.

NDIA/NDIS Update – 20/11/2024: Disability Sector Update

The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) is providing an update on legislative changes, system updates, and key developments related to the NDIS. Recently, they have published information on eligibility reassessments and disability-specific bicycles and updated the FAQ section on the NDIS website. A new position statement on conflicts of interest in the NDIS provider market has been released, co-designed with input from participants, carers, and providers.

Additionally, the latest Quarterly Report highlighted improvements in participant outcomes, including increased community participation and work opportunities for NDIS participants.

The NDIA is also seeking expressions of interest for the Participant Reference Group and has made updates to the PACE system for automatic plan extensions. New features include changes to the MyNDIS app login process and a newly designed plan format.

Access the full Disability Sector Update 

NDIS Update – 11/11/2024: Quarterly Report 

The latest National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) quarterly report outlines progress in improving the NDIS to better support participants and ensure its long-term viability. A key development was the passage of the ‘Getting the NDIS Back on Track No.1’ Bill, which came into effect on Thursday, 3rd October 2024. The bill introduces clearer definitions of NDIS supports, making it easier for participants and providers to understand how funds can be used. While immediate changes are minor, larger improvements are expected with a new planning framework to be rolled out next year. The NDIA is actively communicating with participants and their supporters to explain these changes.

The NDIA is also working closely with the disability community to shape future reforms. Over 7,000 people took part in a public consultation on defining NDIS supports, and more than 550 community members joined co-design workshops last quarter. To support these efforts, the NDIA increased funding by $10.7 million for 27 disability representatives and carer organisations. The report recognises the important role of the disability sector in supporting NDIS improvements and highlights the ongoing focus on community input in the reform process.

The NDIA provides detailed quarterly reports to disability ministers within 42 days of the end of each quarter. These reports include statistics on participants and data about funding and support provision across different jurisdictions. After being reviewed by the NDIA Board, the reports are made publicly available within 45 days of the quarter’s end, offering transparency and insight into the ongoing performance of the NDIS.

Access the latest quarterly report 

NDIS Update – 6/11/2024: Community and Stakeholder Update

On Tuesday, 1st October 2024, the Honourable Bill Shorten MP released updated lists of what NDIS participants can and cannot spend their funding on, providing greater clarity for both participants and providers. These updated guidelines, which came into effect on Thursday, 3rd October, are the first review since the NDIS began and aim to simplify how participants can use their funding. Additionally, a new digital tool, the Care Sector Demand Map, was launched to help disability and aged care providers better understand the demand and supply for services.

Other recent changes include updates to NDIS claims processing, with self-managed participants now required to upload supporting evidence for claims starting Monday, 14th October 2024. The Albanese Government has also committed $4.67 million in grants to enhance the knowledge and skills of NDIS participants, providers, and workers. Furthermore, a new Administrative Review Tribunal replaced the Administrative Appeals Tribunal on 14 October, and the government announced major increases to penalties and criminal offences for NDIS providers as part of the “Getting it Back on Track Bill,” which aims to enhance protections for participants and improve the quality of services.

Access the Community and Stakeholder Update via Word
Access the Community and Stakeholder Update via PDF 

NDIS Update – 21/10/2024: Changes to NDIS Access

Starting Sunday, 20th October 2024, participants and nominees will no longer be able to use secret questions and answers to access NDIS portals and the app. This change is part of our efforts to enhance security and protect NDIS participant plans, funds, and personal data from fraud. Instead, users will need to utilise stronger authentication methods, such as passkeys or codes sent via SMS.

Key Changes and Actions Required:

  • Authentication Update: Participants and nominees must update their myGov account settings to a stronger sign-in option (e.g., SMS code, passkey, or Digital ID) before Sunday, 20th October 2024.
    • How to Check Your Current Settings: Log into your myGov account and navigate to the Settings tab to verify if you are using the secret question option.
  • Post-Deadline Access: If you do not update your settings before the deadline, you will receive a message in the app or portal prompting you to change your myGov sign-in method. You will not be able to access NDIS services until this change is made.
  • Help and Support:
    • For assistance with updating myGov settings, participants can call the myGov help desk at 132 307 (available from 7:00am to 10:00pm on weekdays and 10:00am to 5:00pm on weekends).
    • Alternatively, the NDIS National Contact Centre is available at 1800 800 110 (open from 8:00am to 8:00pm on weekdays).

Claims Submission Requirement:

In addition to the sign-in changes, a new requirement now mandates that self-managed participants submit records to support claims that exceed a specified threshold. This measure is designed to strengthen the integrity of the NDIS and ensure proper validation of claims.

  • Record-Keeping: Participants have always been required to keep records, such as invoices and receipts, to support their claims. This new requirement formalizes that process and aims to enhance transparency and accountability within the scheme.
  • Implementation Consultation: The NDIA has engaged in extensive consultations regarding this change, including:
    • Four participant focus groups held in July 2024 to gather input on the implementation process.
    • Four sessions with the Integrity Co-Design working group in August and September 2024.
    • A Participant Reference Group meeting in September 2024 to finalize details.
  • Feedback Monitoring: Since the introduction of the new claims submission requirement, the NDIA has monitored feedback closely. As of the latest update, fewer than ten inquiries have been received, mainly regarding how to upload evidence for claims and clarifications about requirements.

Important Notes for Participants:

  • Payroll Information: When submitting claims that include payroll information, it is crucial that no tax file numbers are included to protect personal data.
  • Resources for Participants: Comprehensive guidance on acceptable evidence for claims is available on the NDIS website. Participants are encouraged to familiarise themselves with these resources to ensure compliance.

NDIS Update – 08/10/2024: Information Pack

We want to keep you informed about significant updates regarding the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) following recent changes to the NDIS Act 2013.

As of Thursday, 3rd October 2024, a new definition of NDIS supports has come into effect. Participants will need to use their funding exclusively for items listed on the approved supports list, which will be available on the NDIS website. To help with this transition, there will be a 12-month grace period during which minor errors in purchasing non-eligible items will not incur penalties. However, we must note that repeated or fraudulent claims will lead to stricter consequences from the NDIA.

Additionally, the government is initiating consultations to develop Foundational Supports for individuals with disabilities beyond the NDIS. This is a great opportunity for us to provide feedback and insights. Various engagement activities, including online sessions and questionnaires, will be available for all stakeholders to share their views.

We encourage everyone to access the Information Pack for comprehensive details about these changes, including what qualifies as an NDIS support and how to apply for replacement supports. Please stay tuned for further updates from us as the NDIA rolls out more information about these changes and their implications for participants and providers.

Access the Information Pack

NDIS Update – 26/09/2024: Upcoming Online Engagement Sessions on NDIS Legislation Changes

We’re excited to announce a series of online engagement sessions throughout October and November focused on the recent changes to NDIS legislation. Following the passage of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Amendment (Getting the NDIS Back on Track No 1) Bill 2024 on 22 August 2024, the new NDIS laws will take effect on Thursday, 3rd October 2024.

Join us from Thursday, 3rd October to Thursday, 28th November for sessions covering:

  • Introduction to Legislation Changes
  • NDIS Supports
  • Changes to Planning and Budgets

Details will soon be available on the NDIS events and news webpage. We encourage you to participate and share this information within your community.

NDIS Update – 11/09/2024: Annual Long Form Outcomes Framework Survey

The annual Long Form Outcomes Framework (LFOF) survey is running from Sunday, 1st September to Monday, 16th December 2024.

About the Survey

The LFOF survey assesses the progress of NDIS participants and their families or carers in various life areas. It helps the NDIA understand which supports yield positive outcomes and improve NDIS services. The survey also benchmarks participant experiences against those of people without disabilities in Australia and abroad.

The LFOF survey, which includes more detailed questions than the Short Form Outcomes Framework (SFOF) survey, complements the SFOF as part of the participant pathway. For reports on survey findings, visit the NDIS website.

How the Survey Works

Australian Healthcare Associates (AHA) will conduct the surveys via phone, SMS, or email. They will call from 1300 355 142, text from 0488 855 790, and use email addresses in the format For children under 18, parents or carers will complete the survey, and AHA may also seek input from family members or carers.

If there are any doubts about the identity or purpose of the contact, verify by calling the NDIA at 1800 800 110.

NDIS Update – 10/09/24: Important NDIS Legislation Update

We want to keep you informed about some important updates to the NDIS legislation that will come into effect on Thursday, 3rd October 2024. Here’s a brief overview of what’s new and how it might affect you:

  1. Section 21: When applying to access the NDIS, the NDIA will now separately assess if you meet disability or early intervention requirements (or both). This will eventually lead to new participant pathways, though the immediate experience remains unchanged. This applies to access requests made on or after the law comes into effect on Thursday, 3rd October.
  2. Section 24 & 25: Disability and early intervention requirements are clarified to specify that NDIS supports should be distinct from mainstream system supports. This aims to better define when NDIS involvement is appropriate. This comes into effect on Thursday, 3rd October.
  3. Section 19: If your NDIS participation is revoked and you request a review, you cannot make another access request until the review is complete. This comes into effect on Thursday, 3rd October.
  4. Section 34: NDIS funding will be restricted to supports related to the impairments for which you meet access for. This comes into effect on Thursday, 3rd October.
  5. Section 32BA: Participants will receive an impairment notice when they gain access to the NDIS or transition to a new network, starting January 2025 for new requests and a later date for existing participants.
  6. Section 10: Defines NDIS supports and allows for substitutions in certain cases where non-NDIS supports are requested. This comes into effect on Thursday, 3rd October.
  7. Section 44: The NDIA can alter your plan management type if there are concerns about proper fund usage. This impacts participants who self-manage or use a registered plan manager. This comes into effect on Thursday, 3rd October.
  8. Section 33: New plans will specify total funding amounts, component amounts, and funding periods, with a default funding period of 12 months. This comes into effect on Thursday, 3rd October.
  9. Section 47A: Allows specific changes to plans without creating a new one, focusing on funding amounts and periods. This comes into effect on Thursday, 3rd October.
  10. Section 30: The NDIA can request specific information or assessments if considering revoking your status. Failure to comply may result in revocation. This comes into effect on Thursday, 3rd October.
  11. Section 30A: Rules may mandate eligibility reassessments for certain groups, such as children turning 9. Implementation timing is to be confirmed.
  12. Section 45A: Establishes a legislative framework for claims and payments, requiring all claims to be made within two years of support provision, with a grace period for claims before the new law. This comes into effect on Thursday, 3rd October.
  13. Section 32K & 32L: Introduces a new planning framework with flexible budgets and support needs assessments, though implementation timing is still to be confirmed.

CEO Update – 4/09/24:

I recently attended the NDIS Commission Disability Advocacy Forum. Following this, the appointment of the new Commissioner of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Quality and Safeguards Commission, Louise Glanville, and Natalie Wade, in the role of Associate Commissioner was announced. We wish them well in their respective roles.

CEO Update – 28/08/24:

We acknowledge that the NDIS Amendment Bill was recently passed in Parliament and we will share further details from the government as it’s released. We are keen to hear your perspectives on this and encourage you to share them at the upcoming BCA Inform, which will discuss the NDIS and DRC.

CEO Update – 21/08/24:

In late March, the Australian Government introduced into Parliament changes to the NDIS Act 2013 (NDIS Act). These changes are proposed under a Bill called the ‘National Disability Insurance Scheme Amendment (Getting the NDIS Back on Track No 1) Bill 2024’. If passed by the Australian Parliament, the proposed amendments to Section 10 of the NDIS Act 2013 will create the power to make a new rule which outlines what is and is not considered an NDIS support. 

The list of what can and cannot be paid for using NDIS is still being finalised, with the federal government extending public consultation for what will and will not be covered until Sunday, 25th August. We encourage you to take the online survey and share your experiences. Easy-read materials and are also available on the website. 

Following consultations, the government has committed to publishing a detailed report of the outcomes, including advice as to what has changed and why those decisions were made. We will update members as soon as we know more about what will be included in the legislation and how it impacts our community. 

To monitor changes within the scheme, the NDIA releases quarterly reports to provide information and statistics about participants and how the NDIA provides support in each area. As of 30 June 2024, the latest National Quarterly Performance highlights several key updates for participants. The number of active participants with approved plans rose to 661,267 from 649,623 at the end of March 2024, while the number of children accessing early connections slightly decreased from 10,779 to 10,408. 

The percentage of participants self-managing their plans and those with plans activated within 90 days remained stable. Notably, the number of completed plan reassessments increased significantly from 40,552 to 56,002 over the quarter. 

Additionally, the data reveals that 715,657 participants have had approved plans since July 2013, with 661,267 still active. During this quarter, 14,347 new participants joined the scheme, while 2,703 left. 

The dashboard also shows that 9.9% of new participants identify as First Nations, and 7.6% are culturally and linguistically diverse. These updates reflect ongoing efforts to refine the scheme. To access more information about the latest quarterly report, visit the NDIS website.

BCA Inform – 14/08/24:

Tuesday, 3rd September from 7:30pm to 9:00pm AEST. 

Join us for September’s Inform as we unpack the latest updates on the ongoing reforms to the disability policy landscape. We’ll closely examine the proposed changes to Section 10 of the NDIS Act and the findings from the Provider and Worker Registration Taskforce. The session will also offer insights into the government’s response to the Disability Royal Commission (DRC).  

To learn more about the proposed changes and find answers to some of the more common questions, such as how Section 10 works now, visit the Department of Social Services.  

To register for the event please visit the Humanitix website.

If you have any questions or if you require assistance registering, please feel free to contact us at or call 1800 033 660.