If you’re looking for an episode or article that was published by Blind Citizens Australia several years ago, you’ve come to the right place. Here you will find archived episodes and articles of both current and discontinued BCA publications.

On this page:


From 1992 to 2018, BCA produced an audio magazine containing interviews and information of interest to our members. For nearly thirty years, SoundAbout provided local, state-specific and nationally significant information which informed, entertained and challenged its listeners.

Steve Richardson, who was involved in the production and coordination of SoundAbout from the mid 90’s, reflected that:

“SoundAbout was introduced in the 1990s as a way to share state-based information with members. Rather than being presented from the perspective of the national office, these audio newsletters were a presentation of various branches of BCA. The world wide web was only in its infancy, and communication over long distance was still sometimes unreliable and expensive. So members often relied on the very important information provided by local branches about their upcoming activities, advocacy, or state government changes that might affect blind and vision impaired people. It was also a great training ground for those interested in developing interview and presentation skills, and learning the fine art of editing and producing a recorded program.”

Many dedicated members spent valuable time researching information, sourcing and conducting interviews and editing the production to ensure that SoundAbout was produced professionally and on time for nearly 30 years. BCA particularly acknowledges the contributions of creator, Stephen Jolley, and long-time producer, Dale Simpson. The production of an audio magazine requires a significant and ongoing commitment to consistently provide listeners with relevant and helpful information.

You can listen to or download some previous SoundAbout recordings below.

Convention Recordings

Access recordings from our most recent events.

NSW / ACT State Convention 2016

Listen to the NSW/ACT State Convention audio
Download the NSW/ACT State Convention audio and program

Victorian State Convention 2016

National Convention 2015

Listen to the convention recordings
Download the convention recordings and program

Victorian State Forum 2014

Listen to the Victorian State Forum audio
Download the Victorian State Forum audio and program

National Convention 2013

Listen to the convention recordings
Download the convention recordings


BCA, Founded on passion: Strategies for our future success
This presentation was made to the BCA Board and National Policy Council by BCA President John Simpson on Saturday 11 February 2017. Read the presentation here.

Parent News

Parents or professionals with an interest in vision impairment may like to read about the ins and outs of issues relevant to parents of a child who is blind or vision impaired in past editions of Parent News.

Blind Citizens News

2018 Editions

2017 Editions


New Horizons

Past episodes of New Horizons can be found by scrolling through our podcast feed. Episodes that predate the podcast feed are stored in BCA archives and can be accessed by request.